Designing Your Label and Packaging

Not the Time to Skimp!
So you’re ready to launch your product and now you’re turning your attention to label design and packaging. . . .
As you’re creating ideas for your product label and packaging design, remember: these are all-important components of your marketing strategy. Don’t skimp or cut corners. Investing in a great design for your label and packaging will be the best marketing decision you make.
May We Introduce. . . .
Your label and package design are the face of your company. You won’t be standing in front of that shelf describing the wonders of your product to browsing shoppers. Nope. Your label and packaging are your spokespeople. Make sure they’re saying what you want them to say, and that they’re speaking to your potential customers.
Your label needs to be a good balance of the right content (the words and product description) and the right look. Sizzling copy on a graphically boring label won’t get read. A fabulous label without compelling words won’t get a sale.
Think bold, colorful, and unique design elements paired with copy that accurately describe the product, what it does, who it’s for, and any special aspects of it. You’ve got three seconds of attention from the average shopper. Make sure that what they need to know is clearly visible and in a font large enough to read from six feet away.
A Little Help From Your Friends
It’s easy to be so “close” to your product that you forget what kinds of information shoppers will be looking for. You can deal with this possible blind spot in two ways: 1) Show your label ideas to a test group and ask them if any information is missing; and 2) Look at your competitors’ labels to see what info they include.
Insecure about your writing abilities? If you can afford it, hire a copywriter. It could make all the difference in the outcome.
Uncertain about designing? Get a graphic designer. If your label or packaging is flat and unremarkable, guess what? Your sales will be, too.
An overall bit of advice: don’t duplicate another product’s label or packaging. You do not want to be the copycat or “look alike” brand.
The Guy in the Tie
Your audience for your product is not just the consumer. It’s also the guy or gal on the front end that’s going to buy your goods and get them onto store shelves. It’s the retail buyer.
For this individual (as well as the consumer), the label and packaging has to stand apart from the crowd. You want the retail buyer to go, “Wow! That’s a great label. And I love the packaging.”
If the wow factor isn’t there, you’re going to leave sales on the table.
If you follow these tips, you’ll have a label and package that represent your company well, make an impact on the retail buyer, draw the eye of the consumer, and result in satisfying sales.